Monday, July 25, 2011

At least America is awesome in the movies

I would be lying if I said I thought Captain America: The First Avenger was going to 1) top Harry Potter at the box office, and 2) actually be decent. When it comes to Marvel flicks I'll admit I'm skeptical to say the least. I generally think, oh yay another Marvel movie for people who like spending money at theaters. And I'm one of them, I movie-go just to go often times, even for fuck-all-art-or-any-sense-of-profundity, we're gonna be superficial and blow shit up at the same time if you don't quite mind type of movies. Then I come to my senses and tell myself to wait at least 'til Netflix can send it to my home.

Oh, have I mentioned yet that I haven't seen it? I guess I should first but The Stranger's critique of the film has me convinced enough to give it a chance this week:

Captain America: The First Avenger is pretty darn good. It’s not great like this country is great (amen, brother! Hot dogs!), but it has consistent characterization, thrilling set pieces, and the kind of narrative consistency that most of Marvel’s assembly-line Avengers prequels have lacked. 

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