Tuesday, May 8, 2012

tea time

proud to say i'm a new owner of Le Creuset's demi teakettle in cherry ombre:

and in honor of this new purchase here's a post dedicated to one of humanity's oldest and dearest beverages, il te'.


sleepytime tea | for those sleepness nights, or nights when I need sleep and I know I don't have time to lollygag I drink chamomile tea and sleepytime is my favorite at the moment.

green tea | green has so many abundant health benefits I honestly don't think I could begin to tell you, just trust me (but for starters these 5 reasons!). Other than that, it's so light, fresh, and tasty. Sometimes I like jasmine green tea, but at other times it's just too floral for me. I usually opt for the more ricey, earthy flavors of Japanese Sencha or Genmaicha. My mom has been drinking this brand for as long as I can remember, so if it's good enough for her damn straight I'm drinking it, too! Genmaicha

fruity tea | I don't usually drink fruity teas, but when I do... it's Republic of Tea. Hands down best fruit flavored tea I've ever had, it might have something to do with the herb paired with it, I'm not sure. All I do know is that I go crazy for this: Blackberry Sage.

black tea | I have so many black tea favorites so I'll list a couple brands whose up there... I'm a huge earl grey drinker (love that bergamot! Pictured below.). Bigelow is a dependable brand that's affordable, easy to find, and all around good choice. I don't think I've found the one yet, but in the meantime I'm also enjoying Twinnings earl grey as well as it's English breakfast tea black tea. What can I say? The British know black tea...
That's really it for me on the tea front. I know I'm from Seattle and I'm supposed to love coffee. Well, I do. A lot. As well as tea. I get my caffeine fix anywhere, and that's how you know I'm a Seattlite!

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