in short, it's needless to say that our vancouver trip was exhausting, amazing, and danc-ely great.
here's what happened in a brief, disjointed description of our trip:
- British Colombia: Super, Natural... Supernatural???
- we made it to canada, then got caught in weird traffic in Canada. our phones stopped working = no more GPS/googlemaps usage... uh oh...
- pit stop at starbuck's for wi-fi (as seattlites we felt entitled to free wi-fi)
- pit stop at mcdonald's (with mapleleaf decor to make canadian)-- "it's gonna be $9.20. Oh... for you guys (USD carrying Americans) it's $9.90...." Cool.
- Fortune had it that we found our hotel anyway! We rested from the drive with some Wheel of Fortune, then Jeopardy which turned into the best drinking game. everyone drinks when alex trebeck gets super sassy with the contestants!
- time to get primped and pretty for M83 at the vogue theater a couple blocks down from our hotel (:
- there was dancing, jumping, and more drinking, and the avoiding of some creepers. all in all great show!
- pizza to cure our drunken-ness, dipped in garlic ranch dressing. then we treated ourselves to shitty service at the darkest crepe cafe i've ever seen in my life. decent crepes, mean people.
- woke up in our hotel room then off to Slickity Jim's Chat n Chew restaurant for the best breakfast! I ate eggs benedict with caramelized onions, gruyere cheese, and spinach with a side of roasted potatoes (photo above, bottom-right).
- shopping at ZARA. afforded a skirt. happy girl.
- made off to get to the border. stopped off at our last chance to get some poutine (fries with gravy and cheese curds) at wendy's no less. tried to get back onto 99-S. No such luck.
- we're very lost without a starbuck's to steal wi-fi from...
- we ask various people at our nearest location, a walmart parking lot. they knew nothing. "just go that way (vague pointing), drive until you get to a garage, and ask somebody there..." WTF? thanks....
- across the street at the home depot parking lot is where it's at. dad with kids gave even better directions to the US border than the way we were going. yessss.
- duty-free buys!
- 30 min wait -_-
- funny border person that never smiled = weird combination. your words say your joking, your face says your pissed!
- mellow, rainy drive home.... the end.
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