Sunday, March 4, 2012

weekend recap

the lovely damaris came to visit, yay! friday night, nick, nick's brother, and i took her to our fave germanish pub in the u district, shultzy's. yum.
since i'm training for that 5k (that i mentioned here), she brought her running gear and saturday morning we took off from my apartment to gas works park for a ~3 mile run! naturally we collapsed, yet somehow survived the run. afterwards, we hit up the u district farmers market for some much needed re-fueling. we bought fruits and veggies for *juicing as well as freshly baked foccaccia bread and freshly made spinach roasted garlic ravioli for lunch! best saturday i've had in some time i must say (and probably the healthiest!).
after checking out some stores one the ave and some much deserved frozen yogurt we parted ways.

all in all, a great weekend. sunday's for studying and all the stuff i've definitely neglected... cheers to coffee!

*we used my jack la lanne juicer to make fresh beet, apple, pear, and carrot juice! warning: will cause beeturia (it's a good thing, trust me).

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