Tuesday, March 13, 2012


it's no surprise that after having lived in roma for half a quarter, me (and all my study abroad mates) are utterly rome-sick. not to be confused with someone who's sick of rome or contracted some sort of illness from being in rome, no. i'm talking could've-stayed-a-92834982374-days-longer sick. now i don't know the right amount of time that's required to fully experience rome, but i'm willing to guess one would need infinity. there are so many things i did, yet so many things i didn't do, things wish i did, and things i don't even know wanted to do yet.
lately i've been loading up on a lot of anthony bourdain's no reservations since it's up on netflix. and slowly but surely, i've been torturing myself with selectively watching all the ones that take place in, you guessed it, italy. seeing all those places, spaces, and piazze that i've already been to definitely conjure up pangs of romesickness, and at the same time i'm completely determined to return - i did flip a coin or two into la fontana di trevi afterall... one thing that i miss the most about italy is its food culture that's lacking here in the states. no one takes food for granted in italy. no one overlooks the importance of superb ingredients in italy. they live to eat, whereas we eat to live. and to me, the act of sharing a meal and taking time to enjoy it, that's the sort of life worth living. alla vita!

pictures above (mine): a white page is a hidden poem; me in front of l'arco di Tito al foro romano.

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