Thursday, September 15, 2011


I had the pleasure of lunching with two of my favorite people yesterday, and I'm so lucky to be able to call them my friends. Samantha, Sophie, and I chatted non-stop (probably too loud for a Red Robin) over lunches composed of something fried and then french fries with various dips. We were pleased to say the least. The special thing about this lunch is that they both had recently returned from abroad (one of my favorite places to be, yeah just anywhere outside the US, haha). I relished in a few short stories from each; Samantha was in Spain (also, Africa) and Sophie went to Italy. Oh, how I miss that country... And I missed them, I missed female company in general. I even held their hands for a few moments. I know, crazy right? Hahaha, not crazy enough for us but I just wanted to post something of this little meeting so I'll always remember how much I love them although it's difficult to forget. I love you, friends and can't wait to visit again.

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