Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Isn't it ironic?

That after my last post I accidentally went on this silent streak? I apologize but, I've just been busy scrounging up every last minute with Nick before he left for the Philippines, which was today. Yesterday was his day of last minute packing and shopping while I cooked delicious meals. In hindsight I should've taken pictures of my epicurean babies such as my berry pancakes, and poached eggs fresh from the farmer's market for breakfast; and spicy tomato pasta, also fresh from the farmer's market as well as salad (yes, you guessed it from the farmer's market) with this shallot-dijon-red wine vinaigrette dressing. It was yum to say the least.

His flight leaves in mere hours... What to do, what to do... Oh, yeah I'm already booked the fuck up! Omg, I'm heading to Belllingham tonight with Damaris to do my best friendly duty of helping my girls move out of their house until Friday where I will then return home to perhaps go to Tacoma with my sister, then Saturday is Family Day at my dad's work where my nephew and I will tour PSNS and whatnot. I won't lie to you, I'm semi-exhausted even thinking about it. I'm excited nonetheless because after yesterday I'm in want of some lady time.

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