Sunday, February 5, 2012

valentine's day: a holiday for lovers of deliciousness

Ahh, l'amour...  the pinkest of times are ahead of us. No, not breast cancer awareness month (I won't even get started on Susan G. Komen right now...) I'm talking about the day of luuuuuve. at times I get giddy about Cupid's holiday; the excuse to watch gushy movies ("Sleepless in Seattle, I'm lookin' at you, Tom Hanks) and get weird novelty gifts. One year, early in our relationship, Nick gifted me a CD titled, Turn Up the Sexy which featured various "sexy" tunes. And that's how my heart was stolen somehow. Yes, fond Valentine's day memories... Other times though I don't really feel the commercialized pressure to do anything other than share some quality time with loved ones (okay, for the past 5 years mostly just Nick). But whatever Valentine's Day brings me -- flowers, a romantic dinner, a lazy movie-at-home date -- this year at least I know my mouth will be making, oh, sweetsweet love with some red velvet cake sandwiches:

Courtesy of

Drink it in, let your eyes do the eating... that's it.

While I'm baking and cream-cheesing this scrumptious dessert on the 14th, Nick vowed to tackle the dinner portion of our date. I'm sure whatever he dreams up will be yummy, but if I were planning the menu I'd definitely be considering some of these mouth-watering meals...

Beet Ravioli with Pine Nut Goat Cheese, Rosemary Cream Sauce and Aged Balsamic Vinegar

Yes, it's a bit daring and probably something you've never tried before. But isn't that what romance is all about? Sharing moments that you never have had with anyone, making it all the more special... Aww.
Plus you can cut into heart shapes (this goes for pasta ravioli, too!). I don't know why I'm obsessed with hearts in a Valentine's meal.

Herb-Crusted Rack of Lamb

Ever since a Valentine's Day date Nick took me on years ago at the now-closed Todai, I now associate lamb as a romantic dinner meal. I'm drooling just thinking about it.

Wild Salmon with Pearl Couscous and Slow-roasted Tomatoes

I believe fish is always a great option for a light, yet filling meal. Being a Pacific Northwesterner I prefer salmon. (And always refer to a fish guide for what's ecological and safe!!)

eat your hearts out.

and if all else fails, eat a bag full of candy.

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